Well I just found another great online comic with great artwork, MAC HALL. The pic up top is my desktop (dual monitor of couse), of the Shirt Ninja from RealLife done by Ian McConville from “MAC HALL”, just geeky enough for me. Question, how dumb do people have to be before we say “NO, you can not buy a computer”. Being a computer tech at a small store I have to answer a lot of questions, but when people don’t know the difference between “*.*” and “star dot star”, or “what do you mean, taskbar, what’s that?”, there’s no helping these people, there a lost cause. I’m not even going to start talkin about the people who come in to the store with some info that there neighbor’s neighbor told them, we say it’s wrong and they get mad, I get paid to know computer stuff, it’s my job… There should be a test before a computer is bought, just a small one. Laterzz