OK, I’ve just saw a movie called “Equilibrium”, and to quote Ian McConville from MacHall: “Holy ba-jesus. That movie has won the “best use of pistols” award from me.

That movie was different, but if you like over the top gun fights, this movie is for you. Oddly enough I’ve never heard of this movie, and it suppozedly came out in Dec 2002, guess the guys in advertizing in HollyWood dropped the ball on this one, they seem to do that alot, I haven’t seen a thing for Kill Bill, and that one looks great. Now on too more pressing issues, RAGNAROK Online is very addictive… I don’t mind, and I’m ahead of Jush for once in a game (hehehe he was at wedding). Game play really reminds me of Diablo, but with one difference, your playing with 10,000 other people! There are two servers Loki and Chaos (we play on Chaos) that you can play on, Choas is always has the most people, but late at night, or in the middle of the day there is practically no lag, but between 3-ish and 10-ish… just don’t go there, you’ll get the kick every 10 mins or so, maybe?!?!?! Come join us if you got the time, just look for “roninspawn” (that’s me, duh), “Saliba” (Mikey), or “WolfProwler” (Jush) so you can join the group, need to get a clan going so I can have a cool picture beside my name, just remember we are on the Chaos server. Yes Chris, I’m talkin to you too, so get your… out of… No, no, no, bad Ian. I’ll just call and yell at him 😉 Laterz