New Site Look Thingy

OK, I really need to get out of the house, and away from the computer. My eyes are all buggy. I spent Monday lounging around the house, but mostly in front of the computer workin on this new thing that I found, Webmate. This is a neat little program, I can post from anywhere now, and all I need is a web-browser. Getting MySQL and Apache workin together was one of the best things I’ve done in a long time. Can really make the website more dynamic in it’s presentation. I even got a poll thing happening, don’t worry I’ll keep them simple. So… ya, that’s what I’ve been up to for the last… DAY. Still have Chi’s XBox here, oh man, my name is all over BurnOut2, as long as he dosen’t erase the game data he will never forget me. Then again, who can forget me, and my so charming personality. 😐 Later