That’s Different?!?!

AAAhhh, Sunday has arrived… Big deal, this week was a bit different. There was three days that I worked 8 hour shifts, should make for a nice cheque. I need it, still have to pay the crooks… er… insurance, that has to be the best scam someone has ever thought up, I haven’t made a claim in 11yrs and it still goes up 200 bucks. 😐 Oh right, the NEW way of posting, hmmm… little more work then I thought, but I am working on it so give me some time and I’ll get it. The pic, guess who. THE ROCK, it’s a little project me and Mike are workin’ on, it will show it self by mid to end of the week. We were bored, and mike got his very own “Action Figure” for his B-Day (July 24, write that down), so we came to the conclusion that his figure needed some action. All for now, laters.