I am Ian

Thursday, why am I posting on Thursday. Guess I just feel like posting. Ian is sick, for some reason I always get ill went the bosses deciede to go away, of course this isn’t as bad as last time I was sick. I was walking death, and they were gone for a week and I had a fever around 100 for 3 days, this one will be a walk in the park.

Different topic, I like Ragnarok Online, so does Mikey, and Jush, well as soon as it went Pay2Play his wiped out his credit card and never looked back… Now Mikey is really considering joining up again, and I would like to sign up too, but I don’t have 80 bucks to spare (14 bucks a month, 6 months worth), now the guys say they will cover for me till I can pay up, but… I don’t like borrowing money, a PS2 game or DVD is a different story, there’s just something about money. Think I may go for it…

On different news, I got an email from Cogeco, telling everybody there is a new hole in Windows (a hole in armor of Windows, WOW), and to update Windows and have an up-to-date Anti-Virus. OH REALLY, DON’T YOU THINK I ALEady…  oh wait a miniute, it’s for the stupid people.

Hi stupid people.