Days go by

Well, not really sure what to type here for the world to see… it seems that someone wasn’t to please with the last little snippet I put up, but since he looks at sites when at work he’s unable to watch videos.

Now for what’s happened in the week or so since that last post… well, work. The bosses decided to go on another trip to the south leaving me to man the store all by lonesome. At least there was the eye candy at the pet store across the hall to past the time…
What I meant to say was it was nice and steady so the time pasted quickly; almost missed a day mid-week because I was feeling out of place… other words, sick, super dizzy, kind of like now, but like a trooper I powered through it with out incident since there is one else to cover for me, and around 12 I was fine, just wasn’t fond of the drive in though. Luckily Jamie was around to help out with putting some hours in the evening, thanks again. So with all of that I should have a decent cheque coming my way, which will help go towards the exhaust and intake for the car this summer.

As for today, Chi came by and hung out, we ended up going for a drive and tried to get lost but that didn’t work out so well… the getting lost part. I still had a good time driving, and he got some pictures, so all around it was good. Chi also informed me of three things:

One being that he will be keeping his job in Mississauga, just changing his roles around in the business more to suit his needs since he was uncomfortable with what he was doing. In a way that’s a good thing, he was getting stressed out with the hours he was working, and at least this way he will have an income.
Two, he is finding a different place to live and it’s not anywhere near Hamilton (this is related to points one and three… see how I put it in the middle, sharp thinker I am), I was a bit sad to hear it but his reasons are valid, and it’s the better choice since who the hell would willingly live with me…
Lastly we come to THREE… you might want to sit down, this is a biggy!!! I know for a fact someone reading this is thinking I’m going to blurt something out that is very inappropriate, since I have been know to do that in the past, and his heart might have had a small skip, and that is the reason I’m dragging this sentence on since I know he reads fast. Now that suspense is built up, Chi now has a girlfriend… I know that wasn’t a big thing and it ended up being a luncbag-let-down, but I’m sure my tactic worked for that one person.

This is one of the reasons that Chi hasn’t been around as of late… or online… or email back in a timely fashion, and it’s all because of this Nicole person… think it’s Nicole… or does it start with “A”… whatever… I haven’t meant her yet; I’m sure Chi is a bit spooked about introducing me since the time I left him an MSN message -“is it wet yet”- when his date was sitting at his computer. Ya, me bad. I’m sure she’s a nice person, since he sounds as happy as hell… if its going as well as it sounds… think I hear bells.

After he left I was feeling it a very murderous mood, it was nothing Chi did, I guess it was just a series of thoughts that went through my head that put the mood in motion, which is kind of odd since as of late I’ve been in a cheerful mood… I’m scared too.

OK, this is a lot more typing then I’m used to, and the readers here are probably accustom to, or I’m just making up for the ones I missed, either way I’m bring this entry to a close.
Its not that I don’t have anything else to say, I could say something about the 10C temp in January being odd, or something like I will never find anybody to be happy with… but who the fuck cares. The temperatures are off cuz the plant is slowly dying, and I won’t find anyone cuz I’m busy being a nice guy or minding my own business to notice that special person walk by and do anything about it.

-Ian out-

Chi found something for you -here-. I rock 😉