On the move

Sorry it’s been so long again, I really don’t mean for this to happen, I mean to write something up then I get side tracked by…

oohh shiny…

What!!! Right, need a post.

Now where to start. Well let’s start with the new server and website layout… I can say I’m having a bit of a snag with the new server. Nothing major, I had Fedora Core 4 (FC-4) running smooth as silk, with even had my test website running with a skin that I wanted to modify to my liking, but then Fedora Project threw a curve ball and released FC-5.

Isn’t that special… 😐

So when I finished downloading the FC-5 DVD and burn it, I blow away the FC-4 install, since there wasn’t that much there that was important. As I’m installing this ripe new distro I notice the changes in the install procedure… kinda fruity is the only way to describe it; and to shorten this story up Apache won’t start, now I haven’t tried really hard yet to fix it but I think it’s another security program that is killing it off.

Other news

Mikey, chi, and myself are looking for a place to live. Yes, it’s true I’m moving once again… and yes chi is also know as Chris Hall, my old roommate. This whole situation came out of nowhere when something happened with Mike’s living conditions; no worries about Mike, it has nothing to do with the family. Now because of this he has to be out within the next 10-15 days, so we are all looking for a good place to stay rather quickly so Mike doesn’t have to spend to much time on Jush’s or my couch.

Now this is a good thing, Ian’s going to save money like a madman again; makes it easier to get the things for the car I want, or the TV… both?!? nuff this crazy talk…

-Ian out-