I’m to darn picky, I didn’t want to do another post till I had the other… newer page up and running the way I want, but apparently that’s not going to happen. Mikey already switched his over, abandoning all his past posts, but I on the other hand I want to keep track of the past, this little spot on the web has been my personal diary…

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
        George Santayana (1863 – 1952)

So… Mikey, Chi, and I have found a place to move to, oddly enough it was from an old co-worker from ALNC, and I guess he was doing he web rounds and ended up on my site and found out that we where looking for a place; then came the MSN message, from there we setup a time to see the place. The place was nice and roomy, big main room, 2 really good sized bedrooms, one bedroom that is very big (that one ended up in my lap, thxs guys 🙂 ), and then there’s the kitchen… good size, counter space, room for a table, and gas stove… gas… I believe there is a law against me using combustible substances, if not there should be. 😉

Thanks Paul for letting us know about the place.
I forgot what else I had to say… 🙁

-Ian out-