Things be a changing

As you see things are changing… and how you like it. 🙂
This is going to be one of those things I’ll be working on over time, hopefully I can get things running the way I want in a respectful amount of time.
Over the next few weeks the site might be up and down, and speed might be slower then the norm because the site is running from a differnt slower/older system I’ll be doing my darnest to get the fresh server up in it’s place as quick as possible.

Over and Out

Newer post is below

One thought on “Things be a changing”

  1. Owwwwwwwwwwwww, purdy, but I think you need to incorporate your old background into this site somehow……you know the one I’m talking about

    moon, fence, and booze…..mmmmmm booze

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