Time Warp

Well I know it hasn’t been that long since the last entry, but this month seems like it’s been going on for ever, and it feels as if there needs to be another post.
Why, I’m not to sure… ??? Why are you looking at me like that. 😕

Now I can hear everyone asking:

“What can I possibly said that is so much different since the last post…”

I heard that, yes I’m that good.

Alright, to get things started I could say I was almost living with 2 unemployed roommates. Now I have your attention, that’s right… “almost” is the word to use, as Mikey was getting laid-off from his place at D-Link (more on that here) Chi must have been feeling the vibes that morning because he walked off his job saying the words – “I can’t be here right now.“, but don’t quote me on that one, but it was something of that nature.
As for Mikey, D-Link decieded to close the U.S. call center, and by doing so laid-off over half the company, that can put Mikey in a tough spot by being jobless and living away from home, but fear not… his old friend Leo has landed him an interview with his company, Mikey just needs to pass one more interview to have a new job, but keep things on the hush hush since he has forgone the route of telling his parents about being laid-off (my idea) till he hears about the other place, no need to get the rent’s all worried.

Now appearently Mikey and Chi have been talking about getting a masscott for the house, a dog one might say… hmmm, that’s a bit more to the point then I thought :roll:, well yeah, they want a dog. Now since Chi has this ability to get all choked up around some animals (ask him about the time he went horseback riding) we are a bit limited to what we can get, so that means we’re going to end up with a dog like Stewie. You all remember Stew right… he’s the little bugger that when out of his way to piss and shit in my room 😡 when we weren’t looking, this was when I was living with Chi and Jamie (Jamie’s dog). Yet I still miss the runt, he had a way of growing on you… like mold. 😯

Well I’m blogged out, I’ll throw something your way soon though.

-Ian out-

hehehe I get a 3 day weekend 😀

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