Catch you on the flipside…

Ever have that feeling your in a place you don’t belong, doing things that just don’t feel normal, and everyone around you is taking advantage of your situation…
What! No?! Oh never mind then…

My sanity has been riding a fine line the last few days and still is, it might have something to do with the lack of sleep I’ve been acquiring over the past week or so. The cause of this is still unknown to me; I think maybe it has something to do with the “super nova” event that happens each morning either outside my window or in the room somewhere. All I know is that when i wake up it’s really really really bright in the room, and if my eyes see that much light there is no way that my brain will let my body go back to sleep.

Some would say that there is an easy fix for that type of situation:
– “Get some curtains
To those people I would respond:
– “Shut the fuck up smart ass” as I make a motion to grab something to hit them with…

There are curtains in the room, two different ones to be precise, but they do nothing to block light from coming in. So when the sun comes up and shines on the window at 6am there’s nothing stopping it… hell I think the curtains amplify it like a magnifying glass.
Now let me tell you about the window I have in my room, I probably should have said something a bit earlier about it, but it slipped my mind, this window is 6′ wide and about 3′-4′ high, so that equals – big fucking window. A few nights ago I tried a little experiment with some bristle board we had around the house, I taped them to the window, this would have look a bit odd if anybody was looking out there back windows seeing two bright coloured sheets of paper taped to the windows. Now with that done I noticed that I slept longer… so to take the experiment further I found some packing paper to cover more of the window and then there was darkness.
Moral of the story… “dark = sleep”

Apparently I’m not the only one riding the fine line… I just have better balance, more on this later when I know it’s OK to talk about it.

w00t w00t for Mikey, he’s got a job again. 🙂

me go now
-Ian out-