Not here for a long time

Oops, mean to post this sooner

As some of you might know I have decided to take my 2 weeks vacation this year, and if you didn’t know… well, you know now. With this time I was planning on going across country to Calgary to visit an old roommate Jamie, and to see what west of Winnipeg looks like.

Oddly enough as I was planning a visit, Jamie and Julia pulled a covert plan out and decided to move back to Hamilton, I knew this was happening I just didn’t know when. Well “when” was the same day I started my holidays… so that blew the Calgary thing out of the water, I did still have my cousin out there but her vacation was at the same time and she was going to be in Thunder Bay anyway:

  • So in accordance with bylaw 100034, and Regional Code 47830, the drive out to Calgary was deemed unnecessary and there for scraped.

The drive up was nice and smooth with little trouble, had some nice storm fronts moving in around Barrie, so there was a bit of rain on my way to Sudbury. Around Sudbury I had a bit of a scare, since this was the first real voyage with this car I wasn’t to sure about the gas situation, like how far I could go, well I found out. Logically most towns and cities should have a cluster of last chance gas stations and truck stops before and after it… sadly enough Sudbury isn’t one of those places, you have to go into the city to get gas, then fight your way back to the highway.
Of course in the past with my truck I was able to make it to this one gas station on the very outer ridge of the city, but as I found the car was not. I was far enough from Sudbury to starting to feel panic (it’s not fun), so I pulled down a road that had a town labeled on it… at this time the low fuel light came on (less fun), drove for what seemed forever, and then I saw it, gas pumps. As I was getting out of the car thinking: “that was close…” I notice the pumps where locked, yup there’s that panic again.
So I check the windows of the small store to see if anybody is about, locked, and lights were off but it least looks like the store is used, so back o the car again to ponder my situation and check the time. It was 9am, so stared at the roof of the car mulling over what I should do next, then someone exits the front of the store yelling “sorry didn’t see you there…”, the world goes black, when I woke-up I said fill it up. From that point on at half a tank saw a gas station I filled it.
The only other thing that happened was the lake on the passenger side from a clogged up AC drain tube, and the fact a relay is dead and the first 3 levels of the blower fan don’t work, I know the clog is from that stupid tree dropping all that shit on my car…

It took me two days to get up here, could have done it in one but I was stopping in at a little place called Red Rock to visit my old friend Jenn who I have not seen for about almost 3 years, well since her wedding. Red Rock is a barren town with little to keep it going, no wonder all I hear from her is “going crazy… nothing to do… going crazy”, well I suppose being 34 weeks pregnant isn’t any help either, but that town has nothing to offer…

As for what I’ve been doing for the last few days, skillfully trying to forget where I work and that I have a job there, so far I’ve been doing a good job of it by lounging around the pool and getting a tan… ya I know what your thinking, “Ian doesn’t tan he always has that white skin monitor tan”, well not anymore, there seems to be a bit of brown colour showing on my skin, and it’s not dirt I already tried rubbing it off…

On the way back home I’m going to try something a little different by taking going down on Highway 6 on to the Manitoulin Island and then take the ferry across to Tobermory…

We’ll see how that goes.

-Ian out-
More to come.