It is time for the show to begin

There have been a new addition to the house we call home, and it has made a large impact. Jamie and I have been discussing making a cooperative purchase together to see if we could lower the prices, and it did.

As of September 10th Jamie and I are proud owners of Samsung 56″ DLP TVs…
The “smiley” doesn’t really cover the joy that fills my heart every time I look upon it’s largeness, even to this day, just because of the TV I when out to pickup an HD receiver with DVR and a dual tuner from the cable company because someone (Jamie) said it looks F’ing amazing… he wasn’t kidding. Now some of you might not be to familiar with the term DVR, well it stands for “Digital Video Recorder”, and let me tell you it’s the shit, I can setup recordings a week in advanced, not to mention you can set it to record a TV series, so you never have to worry about missing a show. It doesn’t stop there, remember how I said it was a dual tuner, that means I can record 2 shows at the SAME time, or watch TV while recording, or record 2 shows while watching a show that is save previously… it rocks.
Plus side is the remote that comes with the HD unit is able to control all the other things I have, so I’m down to one remote again.

Now on to a bit of a sad note… Chi is scared of the TV… he confessed this to me last night, now it’s not the “Oh My God it going to fall on me…” scared, it’s the “Oh My God my eyes can’t focus on anything but the TV when it’s on…” scared, at that point I called him a woman, and went inside to watch TV. (more to the fact his phone rang and I went inside, but my way sounds better)

All I got for now.
-Ian out-

HD rocks

4 thoughts on “It is time for the show to begin”

  1. Chi’s a bitch.. Embrass the bigness…

    I cant stress Discover HD enough 🙂

    and thanks for the tips on the remote. Shared volume is the shizzle

  2. Yes it’s true, tv is the devil! More to the point, Gigantor tv’s are the devil!



  3. All work and no TV make Mikey a dull boy….
    All work and no TV make Mikey a dull boy….
    All work and no TV make Mikey a dull boy….
    All work and no TV make Mikey a dull boy….
    All work and no TV make Mikey a dull boy….
    All work and no TV make Mikey a dull boy….
    All work and no TV make Mikey a dull boy….
    All work and no TV make Mikey a dull boy….
    All work and no TV make Mikey a dull boy….
    All work and no TV make Mikey a dull boy….
    Oooooooooooooooo shiney 😉

  4. I have one word for you………….

    update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update

    Did you update yet?

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