
That’s right… I said it!
I’m a slacker, and a good one at that, I’ve managed to avoid writing a post for almost another month. Not to much has happened, just playing Burning Crusade with most my free time… well trying, haven’t gotten a toon high enough to go and see the new areas.

That’s not really that important, since it’s only a game that takes up way to much time…

OH… as of Feb 2nd, 2007 I’ve become the “GODFATHER” —insert booming voice— of a baby girl Leah, she tipped the scales at a whopping 9.4lbs and a height of 22″ long. Now from what I’ve been told from Nicole (proud mom), Leah was an aggressive baby, Nicole’s stomach was used for boxing and kicking practice on a daily basis. This behavior was a bit different when she had Logan, my little buddy, he’s calm and gentle at his ripe old age of 2… Leah, on the other hand will be the reason why Jeff’s and Nicole’s hair go gray, she will be the bad influence on all the kids in the neighborhood… it’s just a feeling.

Another little thing… working on being a home owner, well part owner. My friend’s and I are planning on going in on a house together, that way we’re not stuck paying rent, better to put money into something that you can get back out. We have already decided on the area and what house and gone through preparations, now it just the waiting for it to be built.

Well apparently I did have something new to say after all.
-Ian out-

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