it’s been a long time

DAMN… I am making a habit of not spreading the truth to my peeps, they might be influenced by others to follow a different path to… aahh… well… some other place with sun.

See that’s the problem with working on computers all the time, you don’t want to be in front of one on your time off, and have I mentioned the store has been busy as sin, and we’re running short staffed over the summer with Albert and Chi gone, so I’ve been on hiatus from sitting in front of the computer at home in my spare time, instead I’ve been in front of TV… the other evil.

As for the house, there is less then a month till we move in, and after a few mishaps over the last few months of building, we have been banned from the build zone till the inspection date, most of it was us being there in the off hours. Worth it in most cases since we caught errors before they could have been covered up, but not like any builders would do that…

Moving forward, Chi is due back in the next 2 weeks, it will be good to have him back in the house again; see Chris is one of those people that has an energy around him that can change a room’s mood, and with the last few conversations with him it seems this break has brought back some of the old Chris that I became friends with, not to say any changes of the new things are bad, just I noticed distance. Now that I mention it I’ve been feeling distance from a lot of things lately, friends, family, work, and things in general, feels like I’m going though the motions in third person, watching as I do things that I’m expected to do.

Word numb comes to mind.

Guess it might have something to do with where I think I should be in life, and the amount of regrets I have when looking over my past, and choices I never made… yeah yeah… I can hear you all now:

    oh no here he goes again… blah… blah…

So I’ll spare everyone that drivel, but if you ever notice that I’m looking at you weird and you see that dull glaze in my eyes in stead of a twinkle, you’ll know why… but in fair warning if you see a spark, it would be best if you started running.

And it is rounding up to 3am, and knowing I have to get up to move my car around 7 so Mike can go to work, it’s best I end this fiasco now.

-Ian out-

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