hairy situation

Hello all, and welcome to another fun filled blog of adventure and chaos, just have to minus the adventure, but there is some chaos, so sit back relax and enjoy.

HOLY FRACKIN HELL… I let this one slip pretty bad, 2 months+… sorry. 🙁
Just so you know I was starting to write something about 4-6 days after the last post but I got side tracked by something not important at all, and then I just plain forgot about it till now, don’t look at me like that, it happens.

Now let get the ball rolling shall we…

Starting with the title, I now live with 3 cats (Jush and Rach just got a kitten about 2 months ago, when I started to type this) one dog, and a Mikey (sorry Mike), so that can lead to a quite a be of fur and hair all over the place. I first became aware of this issue seeing the fur/hair on the main floor under the couch when the sun was coming in the morning. So I busted out the Swiffer and attacked the main floor with vigor and managed to sweep up enough fur that I thought someone shaved one of the cats while I wasn’t looking, I know that wasn’t the case because one of them was sitting there staring at me, while the other was attacking the Swiffer… damn cats.

The other thing that brought my awareness to the fur/hair issue was one time sitting on the… I was doing bathroom stuff (I’ll leave it at that, it’s not that kind of site sicko), and I sneezed; as I watched in amazement as the floor moved in a blast wave ripple. Under closer inspection I noticed it was hair (not the curly kind sicko), and I know my hair isn’t that long, but in Mikey’s defense, this was the time Chi and myself were forcing him to grow it out since we can’t… 🙁

Enough of that fuzzy stuff, is everyone ready for Christmas? Yes.. No…? Either way looks like we all can enjoy a white one, from what I here Thunder Bay has the white stuff, and the Hammer just got a good dumping. Now I here there’s going to be rain by the end of the week which could make for some fun. Hope it’s out of the way before I leave on Friday, heading home to the folks for the holidays.

What is the world coming to?!!?

Have a safe happy Christmas Season… if you take offense to me using Christmas Season go back to work since this holiday isn’t for you.

-Ian out-

I hope to not take so long next time.

PPS – sad
My condolences to the Chapple family, Randy’s mother passed away this afternoon.

Be strong and remember, and never forget so the love will not be lost.

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