Stupid Grind

Hey all, as the title states the grind has begun to the next year, and this also has a double meaning for me… I was a sucker and started up my WoW account with the guys just before Xmas, so most of my free time is trying to make it to 70… I’m an idiot.

Hmm… so what’s been happening in my life?


Jamie was kind enough to invite me to a shindig at his place a few weekends ago (good food + good people = good times), one odd thing about it all is the amount of babies in the room at one time, also not to mention the amount of buns in the oven (and no I’m not talking about baking). It shows that everything is growing old with me, and yet I feel things don’t really change. Guess it might be the lack of a special somebody in my life not really to sure, but I don’t see any children in the foreseeable future for some time, again this stems from me being an idiot.

Oh right… stupid Valentine’s Day, it’s just here to make single people feel worst and for the couples to spend money on each other so they feel special, I’m sorry if you love somebody you try to make them feel special on a daily basis, but that just might be me… I know I’m sweet, now don’t make a big deal about it.

I am proud to say I am not living with bums any more, Jush and Rach have there truck finely, and are making trips to the southern states on regular intervals, as long as the little kinks aren’t stopping them. As for Mike, he is now working in a place in the T-dot and not liking the commute… ya, there’s been issues but he’s living through it best he can by updating the crap out of his site, think it’s like 5-6 updates in the last 4-5 days.

I’m starting to run low on words… yup, I’m done.

-Ian out-

Hope to be here more regularly.