K, it’s not my fault… Really

WOW did I leave this for a reeeeealllly long time, but in my defense I’ve been busy, and busy is good right? Well I have a few things to tell you so this might be a long one, so get something to drink, sit back, relax, and I’ll try to keep it entertaining for the masses and at a PG rating.

April 30th was the last post, at that point I was working at the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board , and from this point lets use BHN for short, cause there is no way in hell I’m typing that more then twice in this post. Where was I… right, working for 15 days at BHN and had an interview 2 weeks before hand for a full time position, well I didn’t get the full time position, instead I got a one year contract that starts in mid August to manage the computer systems at one of the high schools, for the mean time I’ve been at the board still soaking up the knowledge so I’m ready for when I take over.
Now technically I have already taken over, since the guy I’m replacing is taking the next 2 weeks off to get married and have a honeymoon, but he is coming back for 3 days before he takes his year off… ya… that’s right 3 days, so he’s going to try and cram as much stuff into my head about the school that I just might forget my childhood. I also get a pay bump when I take over, since I move to a Tech2 position, which will be nice now that I bought a new toy and have to pay it off, but I’ll get to that a bit later, cause that’s going to require a lot more typing.
The IT department is running on summer hours as of last 2 weeks, what that means almost everyone is using their lieu hours and vacation time to take a few extra days off during the week since the summer is slow for school (go figure), on average they are working 2 days a week, so things could get very lonely for me, not to mention I have to make sure I ask for what needs to be done. I’ve mostly been spending time at my school cleaning things up and putting system back together after the caretakers have finished with the cleaning of rooms, and that alone has been keeping me busy, and I’m learning my way around the school.
So, I’ve been learning a bunch of stuff to add to my technical arsenal for the wonderful world of IT, and it’s a good thing I learn quick because I’m going to need it to keep up with what happens at the school. Everyone I’ve met there so far has been really nice and say that Trinity is the best high school of the board with the nicest kids, which is easy to see since it’s in the middle of nowhere, a little place called Simcoe. As for the teachers I really only met like 3 or 4 of them and they were nice enough, but following the conduct of the IT department they are our mortal enemy (just kidding).
One bad thing about the school is it’s location… it an hour away, but it not like there’s any traffic, most of the times I have the roads to myself so I set it to cruise and listen to music, it’s rather nice, other then the fuel costs, think it costs me about 1.5 tanks a week so that not to bad, and not to mention my new toy helps with that too, but winter will be a different story but shouldn’t be that bad.

Told you this is going to be long, and I’m not even close to being done yet. 😈
Might want to top that drink up.

Alright we ready to go?
Well it’s almost been a month now that Chi moved up to live with his parents again and get back to his music. It’s odd, I normally saw him once a week or more, now it’s down to an MSN chat here and there, of course our chats are always colourful, and filled with meaningless nothings, and endless jokes, but I’m sure Chi and maybe Mike are the only friends I have that can carry multiple conversations at the same time with the same person in the same chat box…
Speaking of not seeing someone any more, Jamie, I normally saw him 3 times a week when he came in for work at the store, now that I’m working the opposite shifts the only time I run into him is the main office, or I stop by to visit on the way home from Simcoe, and for some reason I start helping with the project he’s playing with at the time. This week was putting the back seat in his classic VW Beetle… all I can say is that the colour that was chosen is swweeeet. Dripping blood red FTW, I think the official colour name is “Oh so Sexy”, now don’t judge the picture because the car hasn’t been washed since it was painted.

Had enough? No!?
Top the drink up, now to get into whats been keeping me busy. 😀

No wait, I should get this out of the way first, I’ve been working at transferring the webserver off the Linux system to a Windows 2003 setup, but I’m having issues with multiple sites from Windows, I have to keep Mike‘s up and going, seeing as he writes a new post on a daily basis to pass time at work, so I need to figure it out. Reason for the switch is to get in the swing of 2003 again and domains, it’ll help with work, and I can test things here and not break things at work (that’s a bad thing).

Now for the good stuff, have you guess what my new toy is yet, NO?!?! 🙁
I bought a bike, about a month ago, it’s a Kawasaki Ninja 650R and I have been enjoying it thoroughly. Last week we had the riders safety course from RTI, and I really can’t say enough about it, very informative, enjoyable, and most likely the best money I’ve spent while getting the bike, great thing about the course is you don’t even need a bike, they provide bikes for you, and start by telling you that it’s a bike!
Oddly enough I might have started a chain event with some of my friends, Jush and Jer both bought bikes the same week I did (I got the bug from them I think), now I’m sure Jamie’s going to get one, his friend Matt is going for his license, Mike going for it, and I think Jamie talked our boss into taking the course too, so we’re working up a biker gang.

I think that all I got…
Ya it is…
-Ian out-

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