I be Blogging

Hey all, I think I might be over this hump of not posting (hehe hump)… so I’m going to make more of an effort to do the updates with more frequency, more to the nature of every two weeks. Now this might not be the case, and I may relapse to the land of lazy again, but I will fight the urge to loaf around and try to get things done.

So what can I tell you.
Work is going well, but… I am growing a fondness to MACs and this might lead to me buying one, and no, it’s not to join the cool hip kids (they try to join me), I want to make a mini server to replace the big towers in the back room, or at least one of them, might still need the Win2K3 Server to have a place to practice work stuff and blow down media to the PS3.
Now I know the media streaming can be done by the MAC using some software like MediaTomb, but I’d have to go through testing to know it works as well as TVersity… speak of that, I should update it. Great thing about TVersity is the amount of things it can work with, PS3, XBox, iPods, and a bunch of others, of course in our house it’s the PS3, now we might have issues now and again, but most of that I think is from a faulty switch, or a computer that will remain nameless that likes to kill the switch… this caused me to have a very late night once.
So I guess what I’m trying to say is I like Macs… and I’m going to get one sometime. 😛

My bike is now put away for the winter, I did the oil change on both Jush’s and my bike, it was an easy thing to do, only bad thing about that is fining a place to drop the oil off, but I think Jush is going to try and take it to his work. Only one thing left that I need to pick up for her so she can roar to life next summer, and that’s a battery tender. You know those things that keep a battery in good shape over a long period of no use… ya those things, stupid winter, well I’d like it better again if I had me a snowmobile, and lived in an area with snow.

Not much else to say, so I hope to be putting something up in two weeks, instead of this one month crap.

-Ian out-

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