Door Ding’ers -update-

All these low life scum deserve to have nasty things done to thier genitals… and other things which I’m not going to mention to try and keep this site at a PG rating.

Well I’m going to have to pull the main meat of the rant, since it was a bit early, jumped the gun a bit, talked to Jush that night, and apparently the car was ding’ed the week before when TheRack was at the mall… but, the statement stands at the bottom of the rant, I decided to use the shovel, a pail of gas is just awkward to keep with you all the time…

I’m a “bit” tick’ed off right now, so forgive me if I ramble on and the sentences turn to random swearing…
I am having some work done on my car, and since I live in Hamilton, work in Simcoe, and the weather just isn’t warm enough to ride the bike, I need a car. Luck would have it I live with two people that are out of town most of the week, and are nice enough to let me borrow thier car.
Now here’s the bit that has me running hot, some numpty puts a noticeable ding in the door in my friends car and don’t bother to leave a note… now if it was my car I’d be just as pissed, but I could live with it and get it fixed when I wanted. The fact that it now my friends car that “I” borrowed puts me in a spot where I feel obligated to fix it fast, with money I don’t have… but if it needs to be done, it will be done.

All you people that are door ding’ers, and might as well add the fender bumper/scrapers too, my “parked” car has been hit enough times by them too… next time you do it and are just going to drive off, watch your back, I might be coming up behind you to hit you in the head… hard… with a shovel, or maybe a pail of gas and a match, and some marshmallows…
–==insert swearing==– 👿

I’m done.
-Ian out-

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