Back on that horse again

Ha… bet you didn’t think you’d see me back so soon.
Well I am, and I’m sure with time and consulting you’ll get over it, and then you can come back and see what I have to say… which might not be to much, since it’s only been 2 weeks.

Here we go.

Nine days left till “CHRISTMAS“, and yes I don’t care if it’s not politically correct, but it has always been Christmas in my world and that’s the way it’s going to stay, and it’s not because I’m a super religious person, well lets just say I’m not religious at all, and have no desire to talk hours about a faith that I don’t have belief in… but it’s always been Christmas.
If I want to say merry Christmas to you, and your offended, to bad…
Hmm… this is turning into a rant now…

Well Jen is getting all excited to go up north to Thunder Bay, but she’s a bit fearful after talking to a friend, and he stated that it was -37C with the windchill. With all the warm clothes she has packed, there won’t be a problem with warm.
Come to think of it I’m getting a bit pumped about going up now too. Feels likes it been forever since I’ve seen the folks and family.

All for now
-Ian out-