Winter has come…

Well I’m sitting here looking out the window (or at MS Windows) running some updates across all my techie stuff, and watching the snow fall… the outside window (YES winter has come to Southern Ontario). Wondering about life, since we just has the ultrasound on Monday, and we saw the life we are bringing into the world… well not really me, my work was done 5 months ago. 🙂

My work will start after Jen’s work, I have some big changes coming down the line for me, since I’m taking pat-leave starting September. Really looking forward to it, and get some good bonding time with the little he or she (find that out this week in cake form). Big changes…

March break my mom is coming down for a visit, it was a birthday gift for her since I didn’t head up for Christmas, so that will be nice. Speaking of March, wondering what illness or something will drive me to the hospital this year. I’ll had a string of bad Marches over the past few years, that have all lead me to the ER. Mono was one, and left me spotty because of the meds, and last year I had a kidney stone on my birthday…and yes I want to find the being responsible for that gift… thanks.  😕

I’ll post up the ultrasound pic when get it.

-iAN out-