Slipping to the old ways

Oh crap, I’m doing it again…
Quick recap of the things that have happened.
Winter never really came to southern Ontario, but wasn’t warm enough to ride the bike. Now Summer is coming, so bike season is right around the corner, all March break and the week after I was able to ride. 🙂

At the end of February I had to say bye to an old friend that costed me way to much money over the years, and then through a curve ball which made the decision easier to ditch it… the Lancer is in someone else’s hands now, and I hope there luck is better then mine was with her.
NOW I have a new 4 wheeled baby girl, a VW Golf Wagon 2L TDI. 😀
I’m loving the diesel, the last tank lasted 967KM (it can get better), and lets not get started on the torque… I have plans for her, shopping list goings something like this: springs, tint, upgraded OEM 18″ VW rims, and then chip it for more power, more mileage, can go wrong with that. I’ll post things up once they are done.

All the baby stuff is going good…Jen is getting a big belly… I also had moment in a store when I saw the baby socks… they were just so tiny. 😥 We also moved the office out of a bedroom, so the nursery could be set up, which we (Jen) are going tackle on Easter weekend, should be fun.

Still need to get more regular with this.
-iAN out-