When she sleeps… :)

DCIM100GOPROHey everyone, it been a long time since I spoke out to the populous at large… not that anyone really comes by the site often. Now that I think about it guess those two things are linked, I don’t update, nobody comes, but if I start updating again will they come??ย  Screw it, doing it anyway… ๐Ÿ™‚

I am well into the PAT leave now, and enjoying it very much, even more now then the beginning since Sophie is becoming more active. She is really starting to show a lot of personality, and being plenty vocal. She is also learning to crawl… kind of, she likes rolling around a lot, and she is fast, so that might hinder her need to crawl, but she is getting close, very close. That could be the thing that is waking her up at night, because when we go in she is flipped over.
Love the crap out of her. ๐Ÿ™‚

Jen has just started her “Tough Mudder” training to get back in shape, and she has had 2 weeks ofย  sessions and is starting to feel the burn already, but I’m rooting for her. If she gets through the course I might have to try it at some point so she can’t hold it over me… and she will. ๐Ÿ˜‰

All for now, but as always I want to start doing this on a more regular basis.
-iAN OUt-