Oh yeah… Back on the ball

Alright, back in the game again… this app makes things easier from the phone, so expect more to come.

So on this installment of “my life” you will see… not much, hell it’s only been a week,  but there has been a few developments that has happened.

Cute News:
Sophie has been liking the sing along song “wheels on the bus…”, watching her go through the motions is awesomeness… she gets stuck on a few things, still the most enjoyable thing ever.

Bike News:
Fixed it!!!

Mother nature has other plans. We just got dumped on by snow, a lot of snow… So in the matter of 24hr the temperature switched from 11 to -20 and 20cm of snow. Have a feeling it’s going to be awhile before I get to go out for a ride.
Also it be to buy a new helmet, the two I have are getting on in years. I contacted the manufacture, and they say as long as I have never stopped them or hung them from the straps everything should be good if I get new pads for the inside… and there lies the issue. That line of helmet has been discontinued, there for so are the pads. I’ve made some inquiries with some businesses and so far it’s not looking good… One US dealer has some, and the price for the pads aren’t that bad, but the shipping is… Might try my friend’s US PO box and see is the shipping is better to that.

All for now.
-iAN OUt-