Spring? My A$$!

So, Jack “A” Frost has decided to stick around a bit longer,  and keep the happy joyful bikers off the roads… making us no longer joyful. Well we still are, but I might need to take the baffle out so I get more of that beautiful “tune” my bike plays.

Been out on it once, and it was great!!! I seemed to have fixed the electrical issue, I think… never really shut it down, and tried to restart it, but I’m going to stick with the fact it’s fixed until proven otherwise. Hope that takes a long time… 😉


Yes, little Alexander is almost here… don’t believe we are going to have another one in 2 days. How do I know it’s in 2 days you ask? Jen is having a Caesarean, as she did with Sophie, the doctor thinks it’s the best, so it’s the way we are going.
So April 10, at 6am we head to the hospital, to have the little man evicted, but… he might have other plans. Jen doesn’t have heart burn today, and he might want his own day; a lot of the Charnish clan seem to have there birthday’s around this time, and the only day that is open is the 9th  EDIT – I’m mistaken, the only open day was the 8th, so he missed that… only way now is getting lucky and having the OR being used on the 10th.

Time will tell.

-iAN OUt-