I suck…

Well shit, I was starting to get back on a roll with more updates, but as you know life can sometimes get in the way…

Ok, last post was in May, and about how things didn’t go smoothly for Jen. Well happy to say everything is great on that end of things now.

I am now running #Daddydaycare duties again, and things are going great, just find we don’t get enough sleep… hence me ”writing” this at 6am, Alex has had a stint with setting up at 4am, and I guess I was expecting that to happen again. Oh well, giving me time for this. 🙂

Alex is the size of a tank, and coming up to 8 months old on Dec 15, and has been in 18-24 month clothes since he was 6 months old, he has kind of leveled off with growing over the last month, but his size is going to slow the his mobility process, maybe, he’s strong. Just has so much meat to move around, and lets not forget to mention he is the happiest kid ever, nothing but giggles and laugher, unless he’s tired, then he lets you know.

Sophie on the other hand is two, so she is all over the place, but for the most part happy is where she is at. She is starting to talk her little head off, and will tell you what she is thinking, whether you want to hear it or not. Makes for good times. 😉

22 days till Christmas. 🙂
“We” (Jen and Sophie) setup the house for the festive season over the weekend, and Sophie is excited about all the shiney bits around the house… funny how you child-proof your home, and then decorated with things they can’t touch. Been saying “Don’t touch Christmas” a lot the last few days, but so far she has been really good.

Christmas came a little early for me this year in two ways.

1: I got a new phone, I’ve been looking at this bad boy since September, and with Canada trying to get in on the Black Friday Maddness, thought I would see what it would cost. Checked the website and wasn’t showing any deals, so popped into a store just to ask… good thing I did, it was half price, SOLD!!

2: I bought into a crowd funded game last year, and the system requirements needed were a lot higher then what I had… and I had a little money from a side job (also paid for phone), and Jen gave me the OK, so I bought a NEW COMPUTER! I’ve been pricing a computer for awhile, and the price was always in the same ballpark. Until this Black Friday, price was 300-400 cheaper… DONE. This system is a little different then the ones I normally build, it’s an AMD, I’ve always been an Intel person for reliability and warranty coverage, but that’s when I was working at a computer store, and could have the money taken off my pay a little at a time, then I wouldn’t really notice. Now we’re going to notice… good thing Jen started shopping for Christmas August. 😉

All for now.
-iAN OUt-