Lets keep the ball rolling

Wow, I’ve been on a roll with the updates… been a few years since that has happened.

I’m done with winter…

It’s time for the bike to come out of hiding, and cause havoc of the streets again.

On a side note, I have gotten the green light for a snowmobile… I’ve been a bit whinny about missing it, and the trail even starts just down the street from the new house.
Quick Kijiji search found a combo package for 2 sleds and a trailer in the price range. Sleds are ’94s, but good models, first one is a XLT 600 special, and that would be quick enough for me. As for the other one, it’s a touring class, all the bells and whistles so it might even work for Jen, if I could get her out in the cold, with proper winter clothing… 🙂
She knows what I’m talking about. 😉

This is all going to have to wait till after the new house… of course, just shopping.

Next on the docket.
Had a night of failure on my part earlier this week… 🙂
From what Jen has told me Sophie woke up around midnight screaming bloodly murder… I heard nothing. Jen got up and went to Sophie’s room and snuggled in with her, this she has done in the past… and that’s when things took a turn from the normal way of things. After about 5mins Jen noticed… lets say Sophie had A LOT to drink before bed, and it was more than the diaper could hold. The way she was positioned Jen’s arm got wet, really wet! Along with the bed and some of the pillows.
Now at this point I was still sleeping soundly, and unknown to me there was crying, yelling, lights being turned on/off… and at one point Sophie was standing at our bedroom door “in the buff” holding a diaper yelling into the room.
Still… nothing from this guy.
Moving on, as Jen was cleaning Sophie up, she asked me to change Sophie’s bed so we could put her back.
I said “No.”
She asked again.
I gave the same response, “No.”
At this time, I can only imagine, there was some foul laugage used in my general direction… I didn’t ask to confirm this, since there was threats of throat punching that followed later that morning. So Jen brought Sophie in our bed, and snuggled her on her side of the bed as not to disturb me (have I mentioned I love my wife). Things stayed this way for about an hour (5am), until Sophie wanted to be on the otherside of mom. Things at this point were OK, until Sophie wanted her big toe in my bellybutton, and yes… that woke me up. So, I repositioned myself to remove the big toe from the bellybutton, that lasted about 30secs, and the big toe then firmly inserted back in the bellybutton. This went on for around 10mins, and I wasn’t about to be bested by two year old , so I rolled over (ya, I’m that smart), but then I was repeatly kicked in the back, because that big toe needed to be in that bellybutton either from the front or the back.
At that moment my subconscious was trying to fill in my conscious mind of what happened to lead to this point in time… and the story I was told involved Batman, Spiderman, and a villain named Rettewdeb… I need help. Now the information that I was able to put together that didn’t include fictional characters, left me in a less then stellar mood, and told me I was up since 1am. I ended up being a bit snippy to those in the room, and for that I’m sorry. 🙁
At this time, I know I was in the doghouse, SO instead of sticking around, and making things worse for myself, I went to the gym. When I was there it gave me enough time to better process what had happened through the night… Batman/Spiderman wasn’t there, and the villain Rettewdeb is actually bedwetter. 😐
I felt bad how things happened, and apologized, but I also found it comical. Jen did not, this is when I was told about the ”throat punching”, because of that, I kept the “Princess and the Pee” joke to myself, after Jen finished doing Sophie’s princess hair.
It was too soon. 😉
Still might be…

-iAN OUt-
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