Yes, I know I’m Canadian and all, but I was never really a hockey guy, so… skating didn’t really happen much.
I skied, a lot… started in grade 1 with Mrs. Farmer my teacher, and lived at the the hill every weekend/PD day till grade 10-11, after that I did nothing for about 3 years, then bought a snowmobile, and that dominated my life till about a year before leaving for college…
Hmmm… more sharing then I thought would happen?
So, yeah… went skating, not for a long one, but enough to know I’m not that good, then Alex wanted none of it, and I was benched with him.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!
Be safe for New Years!
It was a draft… ?
Post Views: 2,192
This is the first time the kids were able to use there sliding disks (I know there is a name, drawing a blank) on a real hill, not the little thing in the back, since they got them for last Christmas….

Not a bad hill, but it has a viscous bump mid hill if you start off to one side. Sophie has mastered it backwards, Alex has a spectacular wipeouts, and climbs back up for another go…
Side note, I’m going to try and keep things rolling here. ?
And fix the issue about accessing the site on my own network…
work, work…
Post Views: 2,192
Well shit, look at this… 3 days, 3 posts. I’m good for a year now. ?

Been running myself down lately, really need to go to bed earlier… just can’t get motivated to do it…???

This is a thing that is happening to Jen too, new job is keeping her busy, but I think things are falling into place. Since the hours a bit different, makes it hard sometimes.
We are winning! I think…
Post Views: 157
Thinking road trip on the bike…
Who’s in??
Need one friend to get himself a bike again, I will need a new one that’s 2-up, and retire… 263hs. 😐
Doing the math, 8hr days it would take about 33 days to complete, not including the time we stop to visit the friends and family along the the way. Some of the places is just to say I’ve been there, like all provinces, Anchorage, and running the Dragon at Deals Gap.
Wishful thinking…
Post Views: 158
I hope to do a bunch of computer stuff at home… I did mention in the last post the server was old, so it’s time to refresh a few things, and make improvements.
I hope. 😀
Post Views: 158
If you can't beat them…. arrange to have them beaten