Ok, managed to do some backend work on the site, and now have things on a new updated server. Last server was really old, I mean old… like 12.04LTS old. Think that is 2-3 back of the long term releases, and end of life was April 2017. 🙁
Also converted the Wedding site to a static one, since I don’t modify it anymore, it was a very dated WordPress build… and there were issues migrating it to the new server, come to think of it, I had issues last time too. 😕
So yeah,
Started this over Christmas, and wanted to try some new things out with hardware, and the layout of the network. A few hiccups, have popped up, so some revisions had to be made, and shortcuts… short cutted?!?! (that’s a thing…)
Time to invest into big setups is not something I have anymore, but needless to say I am trying for virtualized environment. this is something I have had before, but the hardware at the time wasn’t what I have now. Still thinking about swapping the host OS out, but see what I can come up with. Also need to get the other VM setup, so I can drop the old server altogether, and wipe it… and do something else with it…
Old habits die hard. 😉
Dad seems to be doing OK, txt’ed with mom, I wanted to Skype/Facetime this weekend, but time got away from us… me… I’ll be honest 🙄
-Ian Out-