Quick update.
Still have beard, and think I may keep for another month… don’t want to keep it too long, the fellow employees are threatening a beard shaving party. 🙄
The head on the other hand, needs to get shaved, it’s just too damn long. Did the last bit… 😉
Not sure if i’m offended by the beard shaving party yet…. 😐
Besides, beards get in the way of helmets, unless it’s a helmet the size of a Kippah… still have no clue why then even make them that small. Smallest I would go is a 3/4, but I would need a different bike, a bobber, cruiser, cafe… something different, and would require more flannel shirts. Need a big side job to get money for a new bike, and that is something that I don’t have time for.
Work is picking up with the semester change, since some of the teachers got moved around, and have no clue what the tricks are for the new rooms. Everything is going good, just a few calls.
Still working on some of the server stuff. The VPN connection is not working as expected!? I have a feeling I need to setup a firewall so the internet connection is killed off if the VPN drops… not sure why it’s not working this way already, I setup everything the same as the other system, but it could be the different versions causing the differences.
Oh… I might have broke down (saved up, to be honest) and buying a new phone… not the one I wanted, because that is still $750, and no, that is not buying the phone out right, that would be $1350-ish. Want to try something different, I have bounced from phone to phone, so I have used a few, except the Windows ones… but settled on the Pixel 2 XL. I know there is a few small things that the public doesn’t like, but I can look past that.

All for now
-Ian out-