Pushing through

Well it almost that time of year again, March break is here, and for me, I can celebrate making it through another year… all low key, the way I like it. Also about the “half point” in the “month of doom”. So far I’m in good health, but Sophie just had something that is running her down, so extra care is being taken so things don’t spread.

The kids are a special kind of crazy lately, super Hyper sensitive to everything… not sure if it’s the change in the temp, the moon phase, or just the fact they seem run down… I love them so much. ๐Ÿคช I’ll give you an example:

I’ll set the story first… Just after bath time, and managing to avoid getting too much of the boys scrotum on me while putting on his PJs (it’s a great time), and Sophie is getting dressed on her own (yesss), head to Alex’s room to look for books for story time…

Alex – “It to dark in my room!?”
Ian – Flips light switch
Alex – “Too bright!!!!”
Ian – Turns on lamp, flips main light off
Alex – “No!!!!!!!”
Ian – Look at Alex puzzled (people’s eyebrow)
Sophie – “I wanted to turn the lights on!!!!”
Ian – ?!!???!?
Alex/Sophie – both boneless crying puddles on floor
Ian – Flips the main light on and off rapidly, making car alarm sounds! Arm got a bit sore, but I kept pushing through till it worked…

Nuts I tell you… and they’re following in my footsteps, right behind me. ๐Ÿคจ

Alex and i did some errands this weekend, and at one of the stops, I got him a cake-pop, and asked him not to tell his sister… guess the first thing he did when arriving home. When questioned about it… “Did I not ask you, not tell your sister”, his response was “yes”, and walked away. DON’T FEED THE TROLL!! Of course Sophie was very upset, and locked herself in her room. Alex did try to apologize, Sophie said “NO”, and he locked himself in his room….

Jen and I had 10 mins of peace.

So… yup…
Kids are great.

-Ian out-
I do love them, and their crazy…๐Ÿ˜˜