Vader is stalking

The break is done, let get back to a routine again…

Lets go over the break first. Things started with Sophie getting sick on the first weekend, and then loosing a tooth on Tuesday… Jen didn’t take that to well, especially after writing the last cheques for Alex’s daycare. Babies are growing up!!!
Jen was also taken off guard with tooth, she thought there was still time to prepare for the Tooth Fairy to make a grand entrance… there were certificates, receipts, and payment. Sophie was excited, so that made things fun to see, and the aftermath of her bedroom looking for the money… pillows were everywhere.

And my birthday happened too… I am on my way tumbling down that hill of life, about to pick up speed to the end. Just hope its a gentle slope, with wide sweeping turns, and some quick back and forth twists, so I can enjoy the ride. 😀 So far it has been pretty good, and I know it will get better with the people I have around me.

Now let’s talk about this last weekend. The boy appeared to get the same bug as Sophie, notsomuch, or it hitting him way different… had a very low grade fever since Friday, and we have never seen this boy sleep so much. Over the last 2-3 days there have been multiple naps, and been going to bed at 5, and out sleeping his mom in the the mornings. Jen is a bit jealous about the sleep he’s getting, and to be honest, I am too. It is heartbreaking to hear the breathing at night. Oh, I didn’t mention he’s been our room for the last few nights, making it sound like Vader is stalking me in my sleep. To say it hasn’t affected my sleep would be a lie.
Been to the walk-in so a doctor would check him out, and came back as viral, so we need to let his body work it out, just hope he starts perking up soon, I’m sleepy.

-Ian out-

Update: 7pm
Mommy radar kicked it, Alex gone to Mac pediatric, and within minutes of seeing the doctor, strep was declared… 😞