Still here!


Makes sense… 🙁

So, still wanting to do this on a regular basis, more as a personal endeavor, to remember things… but life/kids/work/games/motorcycles/etc/etc/etc and… I suck.

Jeez, Oct 2019…
Guess this was about 5 months before the world changed and everyone stopped…
“Stay home, stay safe.” was the plan for all to stop the spread of COVID. 

Oddly enough this made work really busy, we need to get things ready for “At-Home-Learning”, this was a big shift for everyone. O365 and products became a necessity for teachers and students. First month was a scramble to get all the in-school network drives files on TEAMS or OneDrive so teachers have access to their files. This lead to other issues with teachers not having devices at home… or internet…
Some lived in areas that just couldn’t get it, but everyone was doing their best to do what they could to be affective to teach.
Students were also having issues. We need to set things up for them to take home devices so they could be taught, this was a big undertaking and the first time was a bit of a Cluster F@&k. We did it… we always do.

I did mention that Jen is a vice-principal… she is, during a pandemic… trial by fire.
She crushed it, and still is.

Where was I… right.
By the second wave we had laptops in all the teachers hands to make things easier for them, but we just finished getting the student laptops back in the schools from the first wave, and now we needed to put that back out again… lots a work.

Third wave, we had plans in place, and the first spike was big, but the team handled things great. After that it was a steady flow… now we are at the end of the year.

We are almost through it.


What else…
Drive-by birthdays, finished the backyard, outdoor Thanksgiving, daycare is expensive (saved money), I like cooking with fire, teaching your kids isn’t easy, bought a new keyboard, houses all around us, working from home is a good/bad in ways, lost one of the cats, getting a kitten tomorrow, Jamie has changed bikes/cars twice, and COVID SUCKS…

Ian ouT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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