
Even though this is a short month, it just flew by, sorry about the lack of updates. I’ll try to stay on top of it more.

If some of you were unable to get to the site within the last day or so that’s because my ISP change the IP address on me, first time in almost 2 years, it bound to happen.

Now what happened over the last month, well not to much besides a lot of WoW playing. Few friends and I started a new guild on a different server, so what all that means is all new characters starting from level zip, so every weekend was me in front of a computer enjoying the new toon, of course I have been going over to Jush’s to do the same thing using one of his computers. Right now I think I should take a step back and relax a bit, after all it just a game, and it doesn’t need all my spare time.

To those that don’t know me, my birthday is fast approaching (less then 2 weeks) and I’ll be thirty-something… not thirty… thirty-something, that means your really a grownup, and your life should be on it’s way to what ever it’s going to be, because with after being on this world for that long there shouldn’t be to many things in life that you haven’t experienced, except for a few things other then old age, and your death… now I have no clue where I’m going with this, but I know I’m no grownup, at least I don’t think that way, and I am definitely not in a place in life to call myself a adult…
end topic

Now close to the end of the month I’m going to have a few interesting days, maybe…
Mid month Jamie and wife (Shanon) are heading out of country for a week and a bit, now that’s not that big of a problem normally, but Randy and Lynda are heading away again for a week. Since Jamie makes up the other half of the employees that work the weekdays I will have a day or so that are going to be open to close, not to bad, need to watch the water consumption, and just hope not to many stupid people enter the store, I have little room for stupid people, there’s only enough space behind the desks for two or three bodies, unless it’s a fat guy, and the worst ones normally are.

I’m also thinking on going for a little drive over the summer, I’m going to use the vacation pay for a vacation, not sure when or what the hell I’ll be doing, but it’ll be done. and I’m done…

-Ian out-