Half way to “GAME DAYZ”

That’s it… whenever there is a get together for gaming for more then one day it will now be know as “GAME DAYZ“. Now that’s been said, I am happy to announce GAME DAYZ this weekend, starting Friday Aug 19 till Sunday Aug 21, just me and the guys sitting back blowing or hacking away pixelated figures on our screens, some pizzas (lots), and a little drinkin (in my case). The most prominent game will be Ragnarok (yes we all bought into it for 6 months, Jush never quit), the game is just way to cool and it’s not even done yet, there still adding levels. Next would have to be Medal of Honor, always need a good first-person-shooter, and it’s one of the best… BAZOOKA TAG ANYBODY!!! Then it would have to be all out WAR, with C&C Generals (GLA forever!!!), got some new maps to try out that should be fun. All of this should make for some good days and nights of enjoyment. That’s all for now… wonder when the next GAME DAYZ will arise.