Loaded Gun

Well I thinks it about time I try to start the blogging up again… ya I know its so 2007, but hey, I think you all have the right to know what I’m thinking. Not to mention I have some things in my life that I want to share… big news coming soon.

Well where to start, it has been over a year since the last tid-bit I dished out.
I am now married to my beautiful wife Jennifer (Charnish) Currie, and I have also been welcomed into the Charnish clan. Jennifer and I had a great honeymoon in St Lucia at a Sandals resort La Toc (high recommend it), ate really well there, and then I of all people got a tan… from the sun, go figure!?!
Hmmm, what else can I tell you about what’s happening in my life… guess I should say “our” life now, but this is my blog, if the wife wants one, she can ask.
Loves you!;)

Oh right, I said something about big news, and I’m also allowed to tell you now since I started typing this post over 2 weeks ago. Yes, I’ve been busy with work, home life, and cuddles… all which leads to the slacker in me.

I am proud to say that I am going to be a father of a bouncing baby !!! 😀 We don’t know what it is yet, but I think that we’ve come up with a creative way to figure out what it is, well Jen did, but I’ll post pictures of what we did when it happens.
Really never thought that this day would come, but here it is… less then 6 months away, and then I’m going to be holding a new life in my hands… can’t wait!

All for now.
-iAN out-