Crap crap crap…

Well life is getting interesting… BUT that doesn’t excuse the fact I have been missing my 2 post limit for the month. Really want to get back in the swing of this, because I know EVERYONE wants to know about me…

OK, you can stop pointing and laughing… feeling a bit hurt. 😉

Alright, what’s been going on since the last update (reads last update)
Right, the baby is big, real big, and was born June 5! 😀 Sophie was weighed in at 8 pounds 9 ounces, she almost came out running. Jen is recovering nicely, and is glad that someone isn’t using mommy’s bladder as punching bag anymore, or dancing on the stomach.

Quote from doctor:

Oh… that’s a lot of hair, big baby, and a big head…

Different news, work is busy, we have a few things rolling out, and others causing issues, and that makes things busy. Pays the bills, and I like what I do. (see no complaints…)

-iAN out-

One thought on “Crap crap crap…”

  1. Well I’m glad one of us is enjoying the world of IT lol!!

    I’m thinking of firing up the blog again myself……

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