All posts by McBean

Okay, what the…

Hmmm…last week was short, and busy.. will be getting back to the regular schedule soon, but I did start… So I will go from that. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Happy Anniversary today to the best wife ever!!!







Good Day to all, an hope everyone had a great Easter weekend, and the bunny was generous dispensing the orbs of tooth decay… ๐Ÿ˜€

Our monsters got there fair share of loot… Alex was up first, I think… because Sophie was fully dressed in her Easter dress when she came in our room, asking to be buttoned up… very fancy. This was all before the egg hunt. ๐Ÿ˜ถ
All things went smoothly, good company, and way there was way to much ham… no, wait… the right amount of ham, and it was delicious. Hacked off about a cinder block size to share with everyone.

This weekend, we had Ted’s birthday, he turned 70 years young… and looking back through the pictures he has had a few operations… he has been on crutches a lot, even with all that, he probably moves around more than I do.
Best wishes, and hope there are many more.

Oh… guess who got on mom’s phone.

-Ian out-

So Alex… (sorry, late)

It’s starts simply, but can escalate quickly, but it was still worth it, and looks great.

We bought a hutch this weekend… and the fact we don’t have any big vehicles in the family anymore, which means we needed to rent something to carry the load. All things considered it wasn’t too bad, just another expense to and already expensive month (rant is going to start). For some reason all the kids activities were due this month, that really hurt the bank, and it was a Costco month, along with the cat food, and a few other things… regardless, it was a heavy month, and we need to tighten the belts a bit. We are planning the deck this summer, and Jen wants to paint the interior of the house, and put posts in for a fence… just posts, wait on the fence, we like our neighbors. Hope I don’t need anything for the bike this summer, or I may need to shelf it this summer.
DONE. Sorry…


So Alex ran into our room on Thursday like nothing was wrong… and it’s been awhile since he was that happy in the morning, had some snuggles, I got up to get ready, and when I walked out of the bathroom I saw the rash… then Jen saw it and, I quote… “Holy Shit Balls!!!” right in his face.
Off to ER again…. all is good, either a issue with the penicillin, or 5th disease (fun fact: it has that name because it is the 5th most common in the world)

Uncle Martin stopped by with some friends.

-Ian out-

Vader is stalking

The break is done, let get back to a routine again…

Lets go over the break first. Things started with Sophie getting sick on the first weekend, and then loosing a tooth on Tuesday… Jen didn’t take that to well, especially after writing the last cheques for Alex’s daycare. Babies are growing up!!!
Jen was also taken off guard with tooth, she thought there was still time to prepare for the Tooth Fairy to make a grand entrance… there were certificates, receipts, and payment. Sophie was excited, so that made things fun to see, and the aftermath of her bedroom looking for the money… pillows were everywhere.

And my birthday happened too… I am on my way tumbling down that hill of life, about to pick up speed to the end. Just hope its a gentle slope, with wide sweeping turns, and some quick back and forth twists, so I can enjoy the ride. ๐Ÿ˜€ So far it has been pretty good, and I know it will get better with the people I have around me.

Now let’s talk about this last weekend. The boy appeared to get the same bug as Sophie, notsomuch, or it hitting him way different… had a very low grade fever since Friday, and we have never seen this boy sleep so much. Over the last 2-3 days there have been multiple naps, and been going to bed at 5, and out sleeping his mom in the the mornings. Jen is a bit jealous about the sleep he’s getting, and to be honest, I am too. It is heartbreaking to hear the breathing at night. Oh, I didn’t mention he’s been our room for the last few nights, making it sound like Vader is stalking me in my sleep. To say it hasn’t affected my sleep would be a lie.
Been to the walk-in so a doctor would check him out, and came back as viral, so we need to let his body work it out, just hope he starts perking up soon, I’m sleepy.

-Ian out-

Update: 7pm
Mommy radar kicked it, Alex gone to Mac pediatric, and within minutes of seeing the doctor, strep was declared… ๐Ÿ˜ž

Oh, there was an other…

Another year has gone by, with lots of memories to hold on too…
I love these three with all my heart ๐Ÿ’“.
I missed the day at the trampoline park today, and I believe fun was had by all… but me, well I can’t really say that, I did figure out the issue with the OS X server… will write something up about that, since Google was no help… ๐Ÿคจ

Had a great time out with the wife last night, for the “romantic” dinner. We went to Juniper in Paris, which had a “two can dine” for a set price, amazing food, and good atmosphere. Love you Jennifer Charnish-Currie.

Very odd thing, was the parking…
Not sure if I was allowed to park there?!! Oh, there was an other white SUV on the other side, that is not in the picture. ๐Ÿค”

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone, hope to be around for many many more.
-Ian out-

Pushing through

Well it almost that time of year again, March break is here, and for me, I can celebrate making it through another year… all low key, the way I like it. Also about the “half point” in the “month of doom”. So far I’m in good health, but Sophie just had something that is running her down, so extra care is being taken so things don’t spread.

The kids are a special kind of crazy lately, super Hyper sensitive to everything… not sure if it’s the change in the temp, the moon phase, or just the fact they seem run down… I love them so much. ๐Ÿคช I’ll give you an example:

I’ll set the story first… Just after bath time, and managing to avoid getting too much of the boys scrotum on me while putting on his PJs (it’s a great time), and Sophie is getting dressed on her own (yesss), head to Alex’s room to look for books for story time…

Alex – “It to dark in my room!?”
Ian – Flips light switch
Alex – “Too bright!!!!”
Ian – Turns on lamp, flips main light off
Alex – “No!!!!!!!”
Ian – Look at Alex puzzled (people’s eyebrow)
Sophie – “I wanted to turn the lights on!!!!”
Ian – ?!!???!?
Alex/Sophie – both boneless crying puddles on floor
Ian – Flips the main light on and off rapidly, making car alarm sounds! Arm got a bit sore, but I kept pushing through till it worked…

Nuts I tell you… and they’re following in my footsteps, right behind me. ๐Ÿคจ

Alex and i did some errands this weekend, and at one of the stops, I got him a cake-pop, and asked him not to tell his sister… guess the first thing he did when arriving home. When questioned about it… “Did I not ask you, not tell your sister”, his response was “yes”, and walked away. DON’T FEED THE TROLL!! Of course Sophie was very upset, and locked herself in her room. Alex did try to apologize, Sophie said “NO”, and he locked himself in his room….

Jen and I had 10 mins of peace.

So… yup…
Kids are great.

-Ian out-
I do love them, and their crazy…๐Ÿ˜˜

Found it!!

This weekend Jen was in a state. Her mid-back was/is flaring up, and was looking for relief by any means… she managed to get in for an emergency massage, that helped a bit, but still was hurting a lot. Then I remembered that there was the Maple Taps Festival at West Avenue Cider… maybe alcohol would help. ๐Ÿค”
Google Maps is normally fantastic, but this time there was a bit of an odd zig-zags across the county… in the end we found it, and I should have worn my boots. They were packed, and the driveway/backyard was not taking well to all the traffic.

After we got in, cider was had by Jen (I had small sips to try), while the kids had s’mores and cotton candy.. yes, their life is tough, and they tell us all the time.

We ended up talking to some the staff, and apparently they were expecting about 300-350 visitors total that day.. at the time we were there, they had over a 1000, and sold out of a crap ton of stuff.
Not a bad thing in my mind, since everyone there looked to be enjoying themselves, maybe not the 2 people in the parking lot that were stuck… but it was a farm, so there were tractors. ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh snap

I forgot about the snow day…
I got in trouble for posting a pic building a snowperson with the kids… I did work stuff too, really I did… Shannon…๐Ÿคจ
I have to big things on the go at work, building a Mac server, and some other stuff that I’m not allowed to talk about… ๐Ÿ˜‰

-Ian out-

Jen is hooked on one of the kid’s shows… The Deep. This was a show I put on for the kids, so it would be different, so we were not watching the same thing, over, and over, and over, and over again..

Month of Doom…

For the last few years March has been the harbinger of death… it’s like a curse, I get something, or something happens…
I had a kidney stone on my birthday (ya me), get sick, or really sick with high fevers (I could hear colours), and then the other stuff that causes things to leave the body in a high rate of speed, from wherever is the nearest exit.
It’s a great times… ๐Ÿ˜

Last year I got the “slim fast flu” 2-3 times, where you have 24hrs of action at both ends… and you get slim, very fast. Think I managed to get below 200lbs, and I haven’t been that low since end of high school.

So ya, I will be in a bubble for the next month, just hope the WiFi can reach. ๐Ÿ˜

-Ian out-

Who is that?!?

I’m fed up…

I’m done…

It’s happening…

-Ian out-

Jamie is back online!! ๐Ÿค—

God, I look tired… I am tired…๐Ÿ˜ด
Yes I need to fix that fan…๐Ÿค”
I hate selfies…๐Ÿคช
I’m wearing pants…๐Ÿ™‚
Or am I???๐Ÿ˜œ

The big city…

Jen had a conference in Toronto, and she invited me. ๐Ÿ˜

I don’t like Toronto… wait, wait… I like Toronto, just not visiting, if that makes sense. I find it big, cold, and hard to move around. Driving sucks, and riding a motorcycle there just sounds like an accident waiting to happen with all the trolley tracks.

All the aside, things went well, and the drive wasnt to bad. We met up with one of Jen’s old friends for dinner, good dinner… She is a “foodie”, not sure if I am spelling that right, and too lazy to check, but she knows good places to eat, and all the locations, handy when in a place like Toronto.

-Ian out-