All posts by isc

Ever have that feeling…

Ever have that feeling about falling into old lazy ass habits, you know the ones: “I want to keep posting for me blah blah blah…” (I don’t say that)

Well I’m not a quitter… and I’m going to fall into “old lazy ass habits” and I’m going to hate myself for it every damn time…

/insert more ramblings

Well… COVID is still here… so not going anywhere.

-iAN OUt-
Stay Safe


It draws closer

They’re going back, it’s almost time… are you ready?
I don’t think that first week is going to go well for our lovely enjoyable demons, they just managed this new thing called “sleeping-in”? I do know what this is, really… and I may do something like it from time to time, but it is more like me just laying there poking at my phone.

Kids have a bit of a warm-up with “day-camps” for the next 2 weeks, so they will need to get out of the house every morning so Jen and I can head to work. This will be a good warm-up for us too. 😐

Work is busy for everyone… all the techs are trying to get the schools back together for the teachers that wanted to start setting up there rooms 2 weeks ago, and I think I’ve already heard that the “back-to-school nightmares” have already started.

Our office was ripped apart.

There was old walls setup in the middle, and there is now new higher walls setup in the middle again.

We will be having some changes to the department as well, almost everyone has switched offices, along with 2-3 new employees will be added to the office space for different roles. New school year with new things…Jen is going to start the year in an area that has a high number of… hmmm… vaccine hesitant families… ya, I’ll go with that one… good times.

-Ian ouT-

2 Shots in…

And back again!

Well my shoulder hurt for a bit… but getting back to “normal” is getting closer.
(psst… things didn’t change much, I’m a geek… I hid in the basement regardless)

Joking aside it will be nice to see friends again… miss all 3 (local) of them. 🙂

Work is going to ram up in load soon; all those systems that went out for at-home-learning will be coming back to us so we can prep them to go back to the schools. This is going to be a large endeavor… need to get the numbers right for each school (will change 2-3 times before September), image them, and get them to the schools. Our main building is having some renovations done… going to be a shit show.

We just got a new fur-ball in the house…
She likes me. 🙂

Her nightly thing now is to curl up in-between me and my keyboard, then sleep next to Jen’s head. That last one will get old fast, but she is not one have a need to “BE ON YOU”, more next to, or in the same room.

Kids are done with school for this year… and good riddance! The younglings just can’t do this, not faulting the teachers, the ones that ours kids had did an amazing job. The boy has become a hermit, and lacks any contact with friends (nobody around the neighbourhood we know from his class), I was the same way…

Ian ouT