Category Archives: Admin

Well then… g33k stuff

Ok, managed to do some backend work on the site, and now have things on a new updated server. Last server was really old, I mean old… like 12.04LTS old.Β Think that is 2-3 back of the long term releases, and end of life was April 2017.Β  πŸ™
Also converted the Wedding site to a static one, since I don’t modify it anymore, it was a very dated WordPress build…Β  and there wereΒ  issues migrating it to the new server, come to think of it, I had issues last time too. πŸ˜•

So yeah,
Started this over Christmas, and wanted to try some new things out with hardware, and the layout of the network. A few hiccups, have popped up, so some revisions had to be made, and shortcuts… short cutted?!?! (that’s a thing…)
Time to invest into big setups is not something I have anymore, but needless to say I am trying for virtualized environment. this is something I have had before, but the hardware at the time wasn’t what I have now. Still thinking about swapping the host OS out, but see what I can come up with. Also need to get the other VM setup, so I can drop the old server altogether, and wipe it… and do something else with it…

Old habits die hard. πŸ˜‰

Dad seems to be doing OK, txt’ed with mom, I wanted to Skype/Facetime this weekend, but time got away from us… me… I’ll be honest πŸ™„


-Ian Out-

Unplanned Outage

Crap… did some hardware upgrades here at the home, and missed a step while doing it.
Bad thing is l have no clue how long thing where down, it’s back now so no worries… πŸ˜‰

-iAN OUt-
Posted from WordPress for Android

That was fast

5 years have flew by fast….
Just a heads up to anyone that might have made their way to the site and found it unavailable this morning, I ended up letting the domain expire, but not to worry I’m going to be around for another 5 years at least.

-iAN OUt-
Posted from WordPress for Android


Had a bit of a oops this morning and lost databases since Febuary… πŸ™
Measures have been taken to so this doesn’t happen again.

Oh well, live and learn.

-iAN OUt-

New server

I managed to get my new server up with all the bells and do-dads-things…
Amazing what you can do without WoW and work.

That’s it, just thought I’d let you know, the continuation of the trip will be up soon.


Things be a changing

As you see things are changing… and how you like it. πŸ™‚
This is going to be one of those things I’ll be working on over time, hopefully I can get things running the way I want in a respectful amount of time.
Over the next few weeks the site might be up and down, and speed might be slower then the norm because the site is running from a differnt slower/older system I’ll be doing my darnest to get the fresh server up in it’s place as quick as possible.

Over and Out

Newer post is below

This isn’t really a post…. So, I’ll get on with it. I am trying to switch servers in the next few days, there may be time when the main and the forum site will be down, like tonite around 930pm EST, going to try and have every thing done before Friday. Got a LAN thing happening this weekend and the extra computer is needed. πŸ™‚ Thanks for visiting, and please bare with me, if I’m gone, I will be back soon.