Category Archives: My Life

hehehe oops…

The answer is yes. I total forgot about the site, but I never forgot you….
AAAnnnnd now that the mushy stuff is out of the way, I can get down to telling you about the most important thing in the known Universe. Now for some, they would say “me” at the end of that sentence in big bold letters in all the colours of the rainbow, but I’m just not that vein to think I’m that important, so I’m going to go with MOTORCYCLE SEASON!!
Continue reading hehehe oops…

Back at it again…

Sorry everyone… guess this habit is going to be harder to break then I though. But I will try my best to get better at keeping things up to date. Well I’m going to keep this short, since I be doing this from an iPod Touch (thanks mom and dad, and somebody with an open WiFi) 🙂 .
Merry Christmas everyone… Hope everyone is happy and safe.