Category Archives: My Life

I be Blogging

Hey all, I think I might be over this hump of not posting (hehe hump)… so I’m going to make more of an effort to do the updates with more frequency, more to the nature of every two weeks. Now this might not be the case, and I may relapse to the land of lazy again, but I will fight the urge to loaf around and try to get things done.
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Well i seem to be making a habit of this

Sorry everyone, I just haven’t been thinking of the website that much lately, and I have a lack of creative juices to write anything interesting. That bugs me too, because I like to think creatively about things, but I’ve bee having a lack of sleep that has been keeping me in a zombie like state (no cravings for brains yet) that just makes me want to lounge around when I get home.
On the weekend I have a habit of staying up late, but getting up at the same time I do during the week so… that equals about 6hrs total for the weekends, now that would be good if I was doing other things ;)… but I’m not, so things aren’t that fun, just tiring.

Oh well, all for now

-Ian out-