Oh where to start… was a whirlwind weekend, that started right after work on Friday.
I had to drive to Cambridge to pick up some tea, but not just any tea… see this is a magic potion tea that changes colours from a dark purple, to a bright pink when lemonade is added, it was a big hit at the party. I didn’t mention the party bit… there was a party. Sophie is turned 6 today, and wanted a princess STEM party, and Jen being who she is, gave her just that.
Party was done at a place called Exploring Senses Play Lab, it’s in a home basement, and setup for multiple child mayhem. Painting, slime making, water table thingy, buckets on pulleys that you can fill with sand, and these O ball things that suck when you step on them… Sophie looked to be beaming, all her friends were there, and her brother (i’ll get to him in a bit).
OK, OK, I’m going to talk about him now, 30mins in his pants were off… actually off, and the only boy there, but luck for me I was on the pizza run, and missed all that fun. When I got back, he was wearing the “Gekko” costume we brought so he wouldn’t throw a fit as we were leaving the house. Guess it was a good thing in the end. 😐
The greatest thing about the party is we didn’t have to clean up, I felt a little bad, just a little… 😀
The next day we went to the MakerExpo in Kitchener, to see some cool stuff, and have the kids make soon things too. There was a cardboard building area, jigsaw cutting, soldering, robots, more robots, battle bots, Lego, video green screens, and balloons… lots of balloons.
That’s all for now.
Sophie also has a party this weekend with the older generation, so going to get spoiled again.
-Ian out-
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