I’ve been doing some lookin around, and I think THIS posting method might change again. Even though I like this system of posting I’m thinking of intergrating my posts in with the forum, which could make things alot easier to receive comments, and just a hell of alot easier on me for updating. The new way will also have categorys for me to put logs under (humor, me, computer, etc, etc…), and it will all show on the main page (your on now), and will be somewhere in the forum. HEHEHEHE, I like learning stuff. Now just to get installed without blowing anything up.
Another Week, another blurb from me
Hi all, what’s going on, I don’t hear from anybody. As I know most of you that come to my site can read and write, and I still see no comments. Not a prob, not like there is anything interesting to comment about. There is something new… I came home from work on Sat. and my food (which was really good), and crashed on the couch for about 3 hours. Then when I woke up in a heavy sleep hazed state, I thought the apartment could use a change, so I moved the couch and chair (yes there is only one of each) to a different spot, think it looks good, looks like there is more room in here. Friday, Chi came over and brought the movie “Phone Booth” with him, great movie, have a good write-up on the forum so go check it out, even join if you want. K, I’m out… oh the pic, it going to be me in a bit
I’m looking, but…
Job Hunting sucks, when I first got out of school employers were looking for 2-3 years experience. Now there looking for 4-5 and must have some other knowledge of some kind. Alright, I can understand that other knowledge about the job that you are applying for would be a good thing. Continue reading I’m looking, but…
What’s New…
Nothing… Ever since I got the new server up and running things have been slower then usual, work is still dead so I’m only work 40 hour weeks… WHAT THE!!! It’s bad when your used to 60 hour weeks, I have no clue what to do with my time, not like I have a girlfriend to spend time with. I should start using my camera more, but that would mean I would have to venture outside in the heat. Ya, I don’t like hot weather, makes me angry when I’m sitting somewhere in teh shade and sweating for no reason, so that ends the camera ideas. I’m tired and lonely as hell. Only thing I got n my life is a fan, and it keeps me up at night. Laterz
Just Another Day
Hello, I’m still testing stuff out, and you know how that’s done. More POSTS. One thing about work i really don’t like is the fact that some people just call and expect us to tell them how to reload there OS over the phone. If these people don’t know how to use format or fdisk, they should not attemp some thing like this. Hell we tell them how to use fdisk saying that all thier info is going to disappear in to nothingness, there is silence on the line, then he/she pipes up and sez that’s not what they wanted to… All I want to do is have a fresh install of Windows. Then I nicely tell he/she to have a fresh install you would have to format the drive. I’m out.
New Site Look Thingy
OK, I really need to get out of the house, and away from the computer. My eyes are all buggy. I spent Monday lounging around the house, but mostly in front of the computer workin on this new thing that I found, Webmate. This is a neat little program, I can post from anywhere now, and all I need is a web-browser. Getting MySQL and Apache workin together was one of the best things I’ve done in a long time. Can really make the website more dynamic in it’s presentation. I even got a poll thing happening, don’t worry I’ll keep them simple. So… ya, that’s what I’ve been up to for the last… DAY. Still have Chi’s XBox here, oh man, my name is all over BurnOut2, as long as he dosen’t erase the game data he will never forget me. Then again, who can forget me, and my so charming personality. 😐 Later
Weekend is a bust
Xavier now has a new look, my server has been tranfered over from the old box, and all files have been moved too. All of this was done so we could have an extra computer for some LAN gaming, but guess what, none of that happened. Jush was nee deep in RAGNAROK Online, and he dove in. Mr. Chi (Bunny) brought over his XBox, and there was this weird B-Rated Kung-Fu fighting movie game that could be really fun if you had more people playing. Following day me and Mikey finished off the new Matrix game, it’s not a bad game, little to short. I’m also having fun ripping up the concrete in Burnout2, it’s no Grand Turismo, but still has a great feel for driving in the game, Chi is going to be hard pressed to beat some of my lap times. I’m in the middle of a 4 day weekend, since I got Monday off. Thinking of what I could do next that has nothing to do with computer stuff, that’s probably not going to happen. I really need a new job, this place is sucking the life out of me, don’t get me wrong, it’s not as bad as working at… lets say McDonalds 😉 but the same problems from day to day from so many different people with the SAME DAMN QUESTIONS. Need a place where there is a network, that I can set permissions and stuff. Oh well, that’s all for now.
Xavier now has a new look, my server has been tranfered over from the old box, and all files have been moved too. All of this was done so we could have an extra computer for some LAN gaming, but guess what, none of that happened. Jush was nee deep in RAGNAROK Online, and he dove in. Mr. Chi (Bunny) brought over his XBox, and there was this weird B-Rated Kung-Fu fighting movie game that could be really fun if you had more people playing. Following day me and Mikey finished off the new Matrix game, it’s not a bad game, little to short. I’m also having fun ripping up the concrete in Burnout2, it’s no Grand Turismo, but still has a great feel for driving in the game, Chi is going to be hard pressed to beat some of my lap times. I’m in the middle of a 4 day weekend, since I got Monday off. Thinking of what I could do next that has nothing to do with computer stuff, that’s probably not going to happen. I really need a new job, this place is sucking the life out of me, don’t get me wrong, it’s not as bad as working at… lets say McDonalds 😉 but the same problems from day to day from so many different people with the SAME DAMN QUESTIONS. Need a place where there is a network, that I can set permissions and stuff. Oh well, that’s all for now.
Anything after this
This is post put in out of order just to say that anything before this is the old post I have reverted to this posting style, so it might not have some of the fair it once did, but it’s taken me a lot of time so appreciate it.
This isn’t really a post…. So, I’ll get on with it. I am trying to switch servers in the next few days, there may be time when the main and the forum site will be down, like tonite around 930pm EST, going to try and have every thing done before Friday. Got a LAN thing happening this weekend and the extra computer is needed. 🙂 Thanks for visiting, and please bare with me, if I’m gone, I will be back soon.