Snow, and visiting family.
Over the last weekend we went to Toronto to visit two of my cousins. Kevin has been in town for a few months working, but with the scheduled he is on, and flying all over the place, if has been hard to hook up with them. Last weekend was special, since one of my other cousins (Mel) was in Toronto with her husband (Mike) from Calagry, he had a business trip, and Mel tagged along. 🙂
Taste of the Hometown
Well winter is here… and temps to go with it, and these temperatures are more like what I would see in TBAY.
Winter Blues
Feeling bummed lately, it’s winter, no snow on the ground just got a big dump, 🙂 and nothing to do… winter use to be my favorite season, but hard for that to happen when the activities you used to do don’t exsist in the area I live anymore.
Winter Sophie
Hey everyone,just a quick one.
Uploaded a video of Sophie in the snow again, and its on the YOU-of-the-Tube.
The selfie…
What is this new trend…..
Now it does fix the issue with never being in any photos if you are always the shutterbug.
Continue reading The selfie…
A long, long pod cast ago…
Star Wars fans are nuts… don’t get me wrong, I enjoy Star Wars with the best of them, but the hardcore fans are just, well… damn.
Continue reading A long, long pod cast ago…
Please sir, may I have some more
And another post! 🙂
Now I need something to write about?!? Continue reading Please sir, may I have some more
I suck…
Well shit, I was starting to get back on a roll with more updates, but as you know life can sometimes get in the way…
Continue reading I suck…
Well that was interesting
Had one of the greatest moments in my life, and terrifying… with the first week of having Alexander.
I really don’t want to end up near the hospital anytime soon for awhile.
Continue reading Well that was interesting
Fresh from the… SD Card?!
Pictures are going up as I type… and thank you all for your good wishes.