Guess Alex is going to have his own day after all…
3 years
3 years ago I’m married the one person that completed my life, I have loved every moment I have had with her, and missed her every time we were apart.
Continue reading 3 years
Spring? My A$$!
So, Jack “A” Frost has decided to stick around a bit longer, and keep the happy joyful bikers off the roads… making us no longer joyful. Well we still are, but I might need to take the baffle out so I get more of that beautiful “tune” my bike plays.
Continue reading Spring? My A$$!
Oh yeah… Back on the ball
Alright, back in the game again… this app makes things easier from the phone, so expect more to come.
This, that, and stuff…
And I live…
What has been happening in this so called life? Well everything… it’s life!? 🙂
Had a bit of a oops this morning and lost databases since Febuary… 🙁
Measures have been taken to so this doesn’t happen again.
Oh well, live and learn.
-iAN OUt-
More Sophie Pics
Next round of pics…
GoPro playing…
Well I got a GoPro over Christmas, and have a few things planned for it to be done with Sophie. Yeah, not going to toss her in the air like the Super Bowl commercial… the ceilings aren’t high enough here. 😉
Continue reading GoPro playing…
When she sleeps… :)
Hey everyone, it been a long time since I spoke out to the populous at large… not that anyone really comes by the site often. Now that I think about it guess those two things are linked, I don’t update, nobody comes, but if I start updating again will they come?? Screw it, doing it anyway… 🙂
Continue reading When she sleeps… 🙂
Time… where is it?
Sophie pictures up from Christmas…. HERE.
Continue reading Time… where is it?