Put up more Sophie pictures.
Will have an update on the site shortly, been slacking again.
Put up more Sophie pictures.
Will have an update on the site shortly, been slacking again.
Well life is getting interesting… BUT that doesn’t excuse the fact I have been missing my 2 post limit for the month. Really want to get back in the swing of this, because I know EVERYONE wants to know about me…
Continue reading Crap crap crap…
Hi everyone, I am proud to say that it has been one year since my loving wife has said “yes” when I asked her to marry me, and this is a choice she is going to live with for the rest of her life… 😉
I couldn’t be happier about that.
Continue reading Year “one” and counting
Good day everyone, and I guess I will make the 2 blog minimum for March. 🙂
I’m trying a new app in my blogging software that puts things up on “the Facebook”, and I’m really not sure how this is going to work… 😕
Continue reading Not sure about this…
Oh crap, I’m doing it again…
Quick recap of the things that have happened.
Winter never really came to southern Ontario, but wasn’t warm enough to ride the bike. Now Summer is coming, so bike season is right around the corner, all March break and the week after I was able to ride. 🙂
Continue reading Slipping to the old ways
Happy V-day Jen, I love you, and the joy you bring me.
Well I’m sitting here looking out the window (or at MS Windows) running some updates across all my techie stuff, and watching the snow fall… the outside window (YES winter has come to Southern Ontario). Wondering about life, since we just has the ultrasound on Monday, and we saw the life we are bringing into the world… well not really me, my work was done 5 months ago. 🙂
Continue reading Winter has come…
Hello everyone, just have a some small bits of news.
Not sure if it’s note worthy, or if you even want to know about it, but I just need to post something up… trying to get into the bi-monthly updates again.
Lets see how that goes. 😉
Continue reading This and that…
I’m setting up a photo gallery using Gallery3.
Now to get my photos really to show, and see if I can get this plugin working with iPhoto…
-iAN out-
Well I thinks it about time I try to start the blogging up again… ya I know its so 2007, but hey, I think you all have the right to know what I’m thinking. Not to mention I have some things in my life that I want to share… big news coming soon.
Continue reading Loaded Gun