I’ve been slacking again… nothing really new, but thee have been a few changes since I last posted.
My living arrangements have changed, I really can’t go in to detail about it but I’m enjoying it. Continue reading Thing Move along
I’ve been slacking again… nothing really new, but thee have been a few changes since I last posted.
My living arrangements have changed, I really can’t go in to detail about it but I’m enjoying it. Continue reading Thing Move along
Hey everyone, have some dark times coming, my beloved Jen, is losing a loved one…
Grandparents are those people that for most, will have given you some of your fondest memories, I had the privage of having 3 sets… Shaver’s, Durand’s, and Currie’s. Continue reading As the time goes by
Quote from website…
They were talking about putting the sounds of a motorcycle into words, “how does your bike sound”.
This is the one I liked the best, and it suits my bike too. Continue reading Bored…
This is new… and it’s done, the switch is made, and hope fully everything is working as it should, and I’m sorry for taking so long to do it, but there has been a few things going on that have kept me from my web-ly duties.
Now on to the juicy bits, I have finely done it, I asked the one question that every man should have the honor of asking.
And I got the answer I was looking for… “YES!”
I, “Ian Shaver-Currie”, have purposed to my love “Jennifer Charnish”, I’m working on a site that will have all the info about the day that is coming, so I’ll post that in the near future, but for now you will have to leave it up to your imagination…
Hi everyone, guess it’s about time I fill you in on what’s going on in my life… not that anyone really needs to know, but I know you all do, and I seem to be running late on the updates again.
Continue reading It’s going to be EPIC
Hello all, it’s the first month and I’m already posting… how about that. Lets see if I can keep this up to one, or maybe two post a month year.
Continue reading Big new year…
Well I think the title sez it all….
Ha… bet you didn’t think you’d see me back so soon.
Well I am, and I’m sure with time and consulting you’ll get over it, and then you can come back and see what I have to say… which might not be to much, since it’s only been 2 weeks.
Continue reading Back on that horse again
Slacker indeed… man oh man, and it’s just getting worse.
Two months, hmmm… not really sure what’s happened since the last posting, besides the lack of posting. I remember when I would update every two weeks, now your lucky if it’s every month or so.
Continue reading Yet again…
Wow, did I let that one walk by!?!?! 🙁 Not to mention the dwellers are getting restless.
Sorry everyone, but I do have a few news items to tell you about this time around which might also explain why the lack of blogging.
Continue reading long time coming